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1700℃,1800℃ Tube Furnace Package(300mm) Pl-Supplies

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If you’re looking for a professional tube furnace selection with the desired configuration at the most affordable cost, you’ve come to the right spot.

– just a tube furnace

– tube furnace outfitted with a gas flow control system (WG series)

– tube furnace with integrated gas flow management system, vacuum pump, and chiller (in short, vacuum tube furnace turnkey system)

We specialize in furnaces, and you can count on us.

Tube furnaces are made up of cylindrical chambers that are surrounded by heating elements, allowing for quick heat up, recovery, and cooling. The tube furnace is the most cost-effective approach to treating a tiny sample, particularly when volatile compounds must be collected or an environment other than air is required. SH Scientific tube furnaces are developed for a variety of applications and have features that may be customized.


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