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Alumina Crucible Pl-Supplies

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Hofmann manufactures Oxide Ceramic components from Alumina, Zirconia, and their Composites using powder compaction, injection molding, ISO-static pressing, and slip casting. Hofmann Ceramics is an ISO-certified manufacturing facility.

Hofmann’s 99.7% Alumina labware (Crucibles, Trays, Boats, etc.) is among the best in the world and has established a benchmark against which other goods are judged.

Alumina’s major component is aluminum oxide. The ceramic material alumina has excellent thermal conductivity, compressive strength, high-temperature resistance, and thermal shock resistance. It may also be utilized as a furnace material for the crucible, tube, and thermocouple sheath shapes due to its low thermal expansion.

• Alumina ceramics are ideal for injector tubes, gas nozzles, and other similar applications.


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