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Methyl Red pH indicator C I 13020 Extra pure

Catalog Number: TK.930075, Chemical Name: Methyl Red pH indicator (C.I.13020), Grade: Extra pure, Synonyms: 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene-2′-carboxylic acid


  • TK.930075.00102 -100 Gr
  • TK.930075.00502 -500 Gr
  • TK.930075.01002 -1 Kg  Â




Cas No: 493-52-7, EC Number: 207-776-1


Hill Formula: C₁₅H₁₅N₃Oâ‚‚, Chemical Formula, Molar Mass: 269.31 g/mol, HS Code: 2927.00.00Dye Content: >= 85%Absorption, L maximum pH:4,5: 523 – 526 absorption, L maximum pH:6,2: 430 – 434 transition Range(pH:4,5-6,2): Red violet to brownish yellow transition Range(pH:4,5-6,2): Kýrmýzý menekþe kahverengimsi sarýLoss and Drying (110°C): <= 5,0%


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