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Mini Centrifuges2 Pl-Supplies

  • Ergonomically designed with a small footprint
  • High-grade plastic cover for clear visibility; Smooth and quiet operation
  • Magnetic coils drive mechanism provides long & quiet operation
  • Digital control delivers precise speed
  • Fit a variety of tubes with included accessories




Model MLX-104  MLX-106 MLX-110 
Rotating Speed 4000rpm 6000rpm 10000rpm
G-force(RCF) 900g 2000g  5000g
Noise Level ≤60dB  ≤60dB ≤60dB
Shell color Pink  Milky white Blue
Safety Features Stop at Opening
Ambient 5~40°C
Relative Humidity ≤80%
Dimension External (W×D×H) 155x140x115mm / 6.10×5.51×4.53”
Power Supply 220V, 60Hz
Weight 1 kg
Name Part Number
Adaptor for 0.5ml Centrifuge Tube MLXF 1
Name Part Number
Adaptor for 0.2ml Centrifuge Tube MLXF 2
Name Part Number
0.2ml 8-Place PCR Strip Rotator MLXF 3
Name Part Number
1.5ml 6-Place Rotator MLXF 7


Ergonomic design and a tiny footprint

High-quality plastic cover for maximum visibility; The functioning is smooth and quiet.

The magnetic coil driving system ensures long and silent operation.

Precision speed is delivered through digital control.

With the provided attachments, you can fit a variety of tubes.


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