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Quartz Crucible with Lid Pl-Supplies

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In order to obtain findings that are uncontaminated, the QC (Quartz-crucible) of high-purity Silica (SiO2) material is a transparent container that is resistant to incredibly high temperatures as well as chemically inert. Ideally, these containers should be resistant to heat shocks.

The QC (Quartz-crucible) serves as a container for holding chemicals throughout the precise thermal or chemical process. Both in industrial applications and as laboratory crucibles, these are effective. The traditional Rotosil crucibles, which were previously more widely employed in industrial and research applications, have gradually been superseded by these.

Depending on the situation, the QC (Quartz-crucible) is available with or without a cover or cap. It has a capacity range of 5 to 1000 ml. There are two different types of quartz crucibles.


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