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Tris buffers are commonly used for DNA agarose electrophoresis. TBE (Tris borate/EDTA) and TAE (Tris-acetate/EDTA) are the two most used buffers. Although there are significant changes in the resolution of different types of DNA and their mobility during electrophoresis, these Tris buffers may normally be used interchangeably. Because the borate ions in TBE block many enzymes, some enzyme-mediated downstream modifications may not operate unless some sort of DNA purification is performed following electrophoresis. As a result, TAE buffer is preferred for routine usage in most DNA laboratories.


Tris buffers are commonly used for DNA agarose electrophoresis. TBE (Tris borate/EDTA) and TAE (Tris-acetate/EDTA) are the two most used buffers. Although there are significant changes in the resolution of different types of DNA and their mobility during electrophoresis, these Tris buffers may normally be used interchangeably. Because the borate ions in TBE block many enzymes, some enzyme-mediated downstream modifications may not operate unless some sort of DNA purification is performed following electrophoresis. As a result, TAE buffer is preferred for routine usage in most DNA laboratories.


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