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Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) has several important uses, particularly in the production of fertilizers. Many acids are generated from phosphate rocks by a wet process that involves the interaction of phosphate rocks with acid solutions. This acid (H3PO4) is a medium-strength acid, but it is also extremely corrosive to ferrous and ferrous alloys.

Approximately 90% of the phosphoric acid produced is utilized as fertilizer.

It is fed as a supplement to pigs, cattle, and poultry.

It is used as a pH adjuster in skincare and cosmetics.

It is utilized as a sanitizing agent in the brewing, food, and dairy sectors.

It is used to acidify drinks and foods such as jam and cola.

It is used to eliminate rust from metal surfaces.


Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) has several important uses, particularly in the production of fertilizers. Many acids are generated from phosphate rocks by a wet process that involves the interaction of phosphate rocks with acid solutions. This acid (H3PO4) is a medium-strength acid, but it is also extremely corrosive to ferrous and ferrous alloys.

Approximately 90% of the phosphoric acid produced is utilized as fertilizer.

It is fed as a supplement to pigs, cattle, and poultry.

It is used as a pH adjuster in skincare and cosmetics.

It is utilized as a sanitizing agent in the brewing, food, and dairy sectors.

It is used to acidify drinks and foods such as jam and cola.

It is used to eliminate rust from metal surfaces.


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