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PHENOL AR Pl-Supplies


  • 500 G




It is utilized as a drug precursor.

It is employed as an antiseptic.

It is used in the manufacture of nylon.

It is used to keep vaccinations safe.

It is utilized in analgesics that are taken orally.

Phenol derivatives are utilized in cosmetics such as hair color and sunscreen.

It is used in the production of polymers.

It is utilized in the production of detergents and carbonates.


It is utilized as a drug precursor.

It is employed as an antiseptic.

It is used in the manufacture of nylon.

It is used to keep vaccinations safe.

It is utilized in analgesics that are taken orally.

Phenol derivatives are utilized in cosmetics such as hair color and sunscreen.

It is used in the production of polymers.

It is utilized in the production of detergents and carbonates.



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