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  • 500 ML




Fehling’s solution A is an excellent reagent. This reagent combination is an aqueous solution of pentahydrate crystals of copper (II). The reagent is available as a blue solution. To make the correct Fehling’s reagent, it is combined with Fehling’s B solution. It is recommended that the reagents be used before they expire for optimal results. While this reagent is stable in general, it is incompatible with powerful oxidizing agents. 500 ml each bottle is provided. Fehling’s solution A has a wide range of applications in the chemical and biological industries. This reagent is used in Fehling’s test to detect reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars, as well as to differentiate between water-soluble carbohydrate and ketone functional groups. This reagent can be used to identify diabetes by screening for glucose in urine. It may also be used to calculate the dextrose equivalent (DE) of starch sugar. This reagent is appropriate for industrial synthesis as well as research applications.




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